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  • 所属类别:DAC数模转换器
  • 产品名称:Micropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches with Data Latches
  • 厂商:LT
  • 生产批号:10+
  • 封装:SO
  • 库存状态:有库存
  • 库存量:2000
  • 最低订购量:1
  • 详细资料:点击查找LTC222的pdf资料
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LTC222Micropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches with Data Latches


  • Micropower Operation
  • Single 5V or ±15V Supply Operation
  • Low Charge Injection
  • Low RON
  • Low Leakage
  • Guaranteed Break Before Make
  • Latch Resistant Design
  • TTL/CMOS Compatible
  • Improved Second Source for DG221/DG222
  • Microprocessor Bus Compatible


The LTC221 and LTC222 are micropower, quad CMOS analog switches which typically dissipate only 250µW from ±15V supplies and 40µW from a single 5V supply. Onboard latches allow the LTC221 and LTC222 to interface directly to most microprocessor buses. The switches have 65 Ohms typical on resistance and a very high off resistance. A break before make characteristic is inherent in these switches to prevent the shorting of two channels. The signal range is ±15V with a supply voltage of ±15V and 0V to 5V with a single 5V supply. The switches have special charge compensation circuitry which greatly reduces charge injection to a maximum of ±25pC (±15V supplies).

The LTC221 and LTC222 are designed for applications such as microprocessor controlled programmable gain amplifiers, automatic test equipment, communication systems, and data acquisition systems. The LTC221 is normally closed and the LTC222 is normally open as shown in the Logic Table


  • Supply Current..................
    I+ = 40µA, I- = 5µA Max
  • Charge Injection
    ±15V Supplies.................. �25pC Max
    Single 5V Supply.................. 2pC Typ
  • RON................... 65 Ohms Typ
  • Signal Range.................... ±15V



OP224ESA-B3 OPTEK12+DIP高可靠性GaAIAs红外发光二极管
LTM9012 LT10+11.25mm x 15mm BGA具集成型驱动器的四通道、14 位、125Msps ADC
LMP8276MAX NS10+11+SOP双向精密电压差分放大器
LMP8277MMX NS10+11+DIP精密电压差分放大器
BF722 NXP11+SOT-223二极管
LTC221 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches with Data Latches
LTC203 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches
LTC202 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches
LTC1393 LT10+SO, SSOPSingle-Ended 8-Channel/ Differential 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer with SMBus Interface
LMP8277MA NS10+11+SOP-8精密电压差分放大器


ABB1240KLKF80P3 AB Connectors24+连接器Contact pin size 12. AWG 40 wire
ABB1240KPKF80P3 AB Connectors24+连接器Contact pin size 12. AWG 40 wire
RDE7U3A472J4K1H03B Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd24+DIPCapacitor: ceramic, 4.7nF, 1kV, U2J, ±5%, THT, 5mm
C195S/24EV-U2 沙尔特宝24+DIP轨道行业专用接触器C195S/24EV-U2 现货特价库存2000只
ABCIRHSE06T16S8SCNF80M32V0 AB Connectors24+连接器Circular MIL Spec Connector ER 5C 5#16S SKT PLUG
RDE7U3A150J2K1H03B Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd24+电容Capacitor: ceramic, 15pF, 1kV, U2J, ±5%, THT, 5mm
PS-34PE-D4LT1-LP1 JAE Electronics24+连接器CONN HEADER R/A 34POS 2.54MM
A22NN-BG-NWA-G101-NN OMRON Corporation24+按钮ASSM, FG, PLAS BZL, WHTE, 2 NO - Bulk (Alt: A22NNBGMNWAG101NN)
C-1106437 TE Connectivity24+连接器Connector Accessories Hood Die Cast Aluminum Loose Piece
KH208-8 Vitrohm24+DIPResistor, 100 Milliohms, � 10%, 5 W, Axial Leaded, Wirewound, Power (Alt: KHS500KB-AX-R1AA)
GAP26MDS5T0000 Amphenol Positronic23+DIP矩形 MIL 规格连接器
EE046-T11 德国E+E24+模块冷凝检测仪
A309560C7W Amphenol Energy Technologies24+连接器309 Connector,3P+N+E / 5W - 60A - Connector - 277/480V keway 7h,IP67
HBL430B7W Hubbell Premise Wiring24+连接器PS, IEC, INLET, 3P4W, 30A 3P 480V,4X/69K
621N-18F-10-6S Amphenol Corporation24+连接器Circular Connector Connector Plug Size 10
LV100-4000/SP6 莱姆24+传感器电流传感器德国原厂一手货源优势供应中
D-U307-KLS Mors Smitt24+继电器relay - Plug-in, 4 pole, AC coil
TDB4-U204-C Mors Smitt24+继电器延时继电器
ABCIRH01RC2214PCNF80M32V0 AB Connectors23+连接器连接器套装
ABCIRH01RC2214PCWF80M32V0 AB Connectors23+连接器连接器套装


LTC221 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches with Data Latches
LTC203 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches
LTC202 LT10+SOMicropower, Low Charge Injection, Quad CMOS Analog Switches
LTC1393 LT10+SO, SSOPSingle-Ended 8-Channel/ Differential 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer with SMBus Interface
LTC1390 LT10+SO-16, DIP-168-Channel Analog Multiplexer with Serial Interface
LTC1380 LT10+SO, SSOP- Single-Ended 8-Channel/ Differential 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer with SMBus Interface
LTC1426 LT10+SO-8, MSOP-8Micropower Dual 6-Bit PWM DAC
LTC2640-8 LT10+SOT-23具 10ppm/℃ 基准的单通道 8 位 SPI Vout DAC
LTC2637-8 LT10+DFN-14, MS-16具 10ppm/°C 基准的 8 通道、8 位、I2C Vout DAC
LTC2636-8 LT10+DFN-14, MS-16具 10ppm/ºC 基准的 8 通道 8 位 SPI Vout DAC
LTC2635-8 LT10+QFN-16, MS-10具 10ppm/ºC 基准的 4 通道 8 位 I2C Vout DAC
LTC2634-8 LT10+QFN-16, MS-10具 10ppm/ºC 基准的 4 通道 8 位轨至轨 DAC
LTC2633-8 LT10+SOT-23具 10ppm/ºC 基准的双通道 12 / 10 / 8 位 I2C Vout DAC
LTC2632-8 LT10+SOT-23具 10ppm/°C 基准的双通道 12 / 10 / 8位 SPI Vout DAC
LTC2631-8 LT10+SOT-23具 10ppm/℃ 双向基准的单通道 8 位 I2C Vout DAC
LTC2630-8 lt10+SC-70LTC2630-8 - 采用 SC70 封装、具集成基准的单通道 8 位轨至轨 DAC
LTC1428-50 LT10+SO-8Micropower 8-Bit Current Sink Output D/A Converter
LTC1329-10 LT10+SO-8Micropower 8-Bit Current Output D/A Converter
LTC2640-10 LT10+SOT-23具 10ppm/℃ 基准的单通道 10 位 SPI Vout DAC
LTC2637-10 LT10+DFN-14, MS-16具 10ppm/°C 基准的 8 通道、10 位、I2C Vout DAC
